We work together to move body and mind

Our in­di­vid­u­al­ized treat­ment helps your bo­dy self-re­gu­late, pro­vid­ing relief from your symp­toms. You will learn to bet­ter un­der­stand your bo­dy's sig­nals and reac­tions, ena­bling you to move with free­dom, safe­ty, and confi­dence.


Our offerings

FOI® therapy
Functional or­tho­no­my and in­te­gra­tion em­ploys a pain­less treat­ment to help re­store the sta­bil­i­ty of your joints and their abil­i­ty to bal­ance the forc­es in your body.
Dry needling
Re­lease mus­cle stiff­ness and trig­ger points in the bo­dy to re­store bal­ance.
Pelvic floor therapy
Achieve sta­bility with coor­di­na­ted exer­cises to un­der­stand and strength­en your pel­vic floor.

Sexological bodywork
So­mat­ic coach­ing and ho­lis­tic body­work en­able a more nu­anced per­cep­tion of your own body.